R4D presents

Literacy Measurement:
A Holistic Framework

This framework provides users with resources, background research, methodologies and discussion around relevant dimensions of measurement for literacy, drawing on and compiling existing materials from a wide variety of sources.

Interactive Framework Overview Below
  • Advocate for a holistic approach to literacy measurement that includes not only the science of reading, but other, potentially difficult to measure, but equally important dimensions.
  • Provide practical resources and guidance around measurement for practitioners and evaluators.
  • Encourage collaboration and discussion within the literacy community around approaches to measurement.
This framework contains resources and best practices that are relevant across age groups, literacy levels and geographies, and is designed to be relevant for implementers and evaluators of literacy programs who are looking for guidance around a monitoring and evaluation strategy for their program.  The framework may be most relevant for organizations doing work in developing countries or underresourced settings, however those working in other environments may also find utility in the framework and its corresponding resources.
This framework provides users with resources, background research, methodologies and discussion around relevant dimensions of measurement for literacy programs, drawing on and compiling existing materials from a wide variety of sources. It is best used in the design or re-design phase of a measurement exercise. Each category contains framing questions which will help users make the use of the resources provided.  If you have further questions, we recommend you view Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on the next page.

Do you have something to add?

The resources in the framework were compiled with the help of our steering committee, partners, and community members, and efforts will be made to update it periodically. If you have something to add, please fill out the form below.

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